"Drinking orange juice just let the fat destruction," you might often hear the suggestion to reduce the sense of guilt after eating good food, but full of fat. In fact, the natural fat shredder is best for green tea. According drPhaidon Toruan, in his book Fat-Loss Not Weight-Loss, there are two advantages to consume green tea as a fat burner that is optimal and is rich in antioxidants. Green tea will help increase fat burning in the sense of helping improve the metabolism of triglyceride (eg, thick fat under the skin) to be converted into fatty acid. "But remember, the fat beneath the skin can only be burned when the form is converted into fatty acids. Combustion process is a sport, "said Phaidon. In order to function as a fat burner green tea is more optimal, Phaidon suggested that drinking green tea before exercise. The capacity of green tea are powerful antioxidants that can provide protective effects against cell wall muscles. Moreover, continued Phaidon, if taken before eating a meal, green tea will help keep fat intake. For those of you who want to practice now widely available green tea extract that has been processed in a modern way in capsule form so you can take them anywhere and make you prepare yourself if you want to exercise and use of green tea extract.
Does Green Tea Tea is Better Than Regular?

Many of us try to maintain the health of the various efforts. There are always eating healthy foods, there are sufficient rest, and some are exercising regularly. Do everything with it really will make our mind and body healthy. There is also believed that drinking tea is good for health. Unfortunately many did not know about the benefits of drinking this tea. Seeing the many tea products are sold in the market, making us a hard time determining where the tea is good for health. Does green tea such as ad words or any other tea?
This question has actually been developing since long and till today many who believe that green tea has a content of more 'healthy' than other types of tea. Though green tea is not so popular because it is not as good as regular tea. Then why green tea so special?
Lots of green tea grown in Asia. This tea contains chemicals that act as natural antioxidants. These substances will make the body in balance by destroying free radicals that damage cells. However, it recently also found a substance similar to regular tea. This certainly is good news for those who mengembirakan not much like green tea.

Further research about the benefits of both types of tea still needs further study. For now, let us enjoy a cup of tea to our health.
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