Gardening is fun!
Saturday 31 January, my BROTHER came home from school with dirty clothes. Obviously I immediately asked, "How do dirty clothes?” My child then said "Kan said in school gardening, mother forget it?” I immediately remembered, oh yes... every Saturday in their school my child's gardening.
Gardening activities seemed to disappear from the agenda of children's activities. Why not? the heavy burden of school, where children are required to study harder as if forgetting that there is one activity that began to be forgotten, which is gardening. Why in the post this time I chose the theme of gardening? You may often see why the regions in Indonesia, many affected by flooding, how much land in Jakarta that had been turned into green land into residential or shopping centers. While he was busy yelling or discussion about "Global Warming", what do the kids in school is a real action to deal with "the global warming" is.
Some parents may think that gardening is an activity to gross and disgusting because there are worms and so on. But clearly we are also taught about hygiene, "Son, when you're gardening do not forget to wash your hands clean, using soap, keep his clothes instead of yes ..." Behind the dirty gardening activities are, in fact there are many important lessons that can be taken by our children . Even more fun if we planted a tree and then grow up to be treated by us, are not only learning about the natural sciences but also to our child also become more sensitive that the human nature given by God not only to be exploited but also to be kept and maintained.
So do not be afraid to play dirty, a lot of benefits that can be learned from gardening. There is no land at home? Do not worry, we can garden using pots, cups and even plastic-bottled water can be a means for gardening. Believe me, this activity was very useful and also fun for the put-our daughter!
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