Sunday, May 2, 2010


Individual learning strategies, learning strategies are effective means for one's self is not necessarily effective for others. To obtain an effective learning strategy, one needs to know the set of concepts that will take him to find the most effective learning strategies for themselves.
• Recognizing that the relationship between faculty with him still there, but this relationship is represented by the learning materials or media. The concept of self-learning
• Know the concept of independent study.
• Knowing when to ask for help, when he needed help / support.
• Know to whom and from where he can get help / support.
• Knowing when she needs to learn to use the media. Learning media
• Realizing that he must know how to use BJJ media.
• Know a variety of effective learning strategies to learn effective strategies
• Self-Concept Learning
Independent study does not mean learning alone. Often people confuse self-learning as a self-study. Misunderstanding occurred because in general they are studying at UT tended to learn by themselves without tutors or classmates. Self-learning means learning initiative, with or without the help of others, in learning.
As an independent student, you do not have to know all things. You are also not expected to become a genius student who does not need help from others. One of the principle of self-learning is that you can know when you need help or support another party. Understanding includes knowing when you need to meet with other students, study groups, administrators at UPBJJ administration, tutor, or even neighbors who studied at another university. Assistance / support may include activities to motivate each other to learn, for example, chatting with neighbors who lectures at other universities, we are often able to motivate myself to study hard. Help / support can also mean the dictionary, a book supporting literature, the case of newspapers, news from radio or television broadcasting, libraries, information about the schedule of tutorials, and other things that do not relate to people.
The most important thing is that you are able to identify the sources of information. Identify the source of this information is needed to facilitate the learning process at the time you need help or support.
• Learning Media
One of the main characteristics of distance learning is the use of learning media. The main study Media at UT is printed teaching materials, known as modules. Each medium has advantages and disadvantages. You can choose which media is appropriate to support your learning. Effective Learning with Media Click to learn more about learning media. On that topic, you will obtain information on these tips to maximize the use of media for learning purposes.
Use media for learning purposes is also one form of learning strategies. For example, an audio media will be very helpful for people who have learning styles "auditory." A more detailed explanation of learning style you can get on the topic of Identifying Learning Styles.
Use media for learning is often considered strange because it is not unusual for those who are accustomed to-face learning. On distance learning, use of media is not something strange. As a student at UT if you are trying to identify how the media learned that UT provided? You never know you will find it easier to learn through the media support it? Who knows, too, supporting media can be an effective learning strategy for you?

• Effective Learning Strategies
The existence of the physical distance between teacher and student, making some functions do not contribute to teaching, such as teaching function in providing teaching materials during lectures or teaching function in disciplining students to attend lectures. Teaching functions that sort of thing that does not exist in the system of BJJ, so should disiasati own by BJJ students through learning strategies. For example, you should be clever enough to make a schedule for reading materials, through a module or other media, as one way to communicate with the instructor. Represent the faculty as teaching materials teaching materials is the brainchild of a teacher. You also have to anticipate the self-discipline to carry out a schedule that you have created. If students in general to be disciplined to go to college, then you can plan for the same amount of time used to read the module. You are actually lucky to be able to learn anywhere. All you have to do is be disciplined for determining when to learn.
Planning for learning strategies are specific skills students need to be developed BJJ. As a student of BJJ, you can not use face-to-face learning habits to succeed. If you take your study habits to-face to learn the system of BJJ, then you will experience many difficulties. For example, you may be too busy working that I forget to learn. You can also get stuck in routine activities at home such as child care, social gathering, a meeting of RT; so you are not skilled to anticipate your study time. In the process of distance learning, there are no people (teachers / lecturers) which helps you to remind or tell you to learn other than yourself. Only you can trigger and accelerate your learning process.
Study habits are not easy to replace face to face just like that. Therefore, BJJ students need to learn about specific skills that can help you to learn about how to learn. By studying a variety of special skills in this learning, then you will be able to anticipate the learning in the BJJ system, such as the Open University.


What is a good summary or notes? A summary or record called good if well organized, and in accordance with the person who made the note.
Note the organized can help us understand the re-those things which we have read or learned.
But the record of organized not always mean a clean record. For people who like neatness in the record, that record means the record is neatly organized. But there are certain people who prefer to create graffiti, drawings or sketches, rather than recorded neatly. For people with this type make a neat record without sketches or scribbles is something that is hard to do. So what constitutes a well-organized records?
Effective Learning Tips

Effective Learning Tips ala The Private - Learning is a must done by students and students. Learning is generally done at the school when the hour lessons are led by Mr. or Mrs. Teacher. Good learning is also done at home either with or without a pr / homework. Learning is done in a hurry due to being chased time to have an impact that is not good.
Here are tips and tricks that can be a valuable input in preparing themselves to face test or exam:
1. Learning Group
Learning groups can be more fun learning activities for the company of friends and being at home alone so it can be more relaxed. But should still be accompanied by an adult such as brother, uncle, aunt or parents to learn to not turn into play. Group study is a good idea to invite friends who are good and study hard so that is not smart so smart catch. In the study group discussed the lessons that its activity is not well understood by all or part of a study group that has been described both the teacher and the teacher has not been clarified.
2. Hard Lessons to Make Keynote Notes
Important parts of the lesson should be made to the notes on paper or a booklet that can be taken anywhere, so it can be read no matter where we are. However, such records should not be cheated because the media can be detrimental to our own.
3. Making Good Planning
To reach a goal is usually accompanied by a good plan. Therefore be worthwhile to make a study plan and the plan attainment of value to know whether the learning activities that we do have a maximum or needs improvement. Customize your target with the ability we have. Do not target the number one if we are still outside the top 10 in class. Create a learning plan that prioritized on the subjects of the weak. Make a good study schedule.
4. Discipline in Learning
If we have made a schedule to learn it must be conducted properly. For example, such learning is not timely and serious while playing games with full concentration. When the time eating, bathing, worship, and so has arrived then do not delay. Continue learning after doing these activities if the time to learn has not been completed. Play with friends or the game could damage the concentrations studied. Should play activities are also scheduled with a sufficiently long time but not tiring if done before the time of learning. If playing video games should choose games that educate and do not generate a high curiosity or a sense of resentment that high if it loses.
5. Asking and Being Asked Active
If there is anything that has not been clear, then ask the teachers, parents supervised. If we are asked we will usually remember the answers. If you ask, ask and do not adequately test the character of the people we asked. Offer a friend to ask us things that he had not understood. The more we can be increasingly asked to remember the answer and if we also do not know the correct answer, then we can discuss it with friends.
6. Learning With Serious and persistent
When learning in the classroom listening and note what the teacher explained. Record important because it could be nothing in the book and will be out when the test or exam. When spare time reading the notes that have been made earlier and memorize while understandable. If we are comfortable with a lesson, then test yourself with the questions. After about do check the answers with the answer key. Learn again the wrong questions answered.
7. Learning to Avoid Excessive
If a test or a test was imminent normally we would panic if it's not ready. Shortcuts are often done by students who are not ready is to study late into the evening / late night or make a cheat sheet. When will the exam should still sleep on time because if you stay up all night would bring bad effects to health, especially for children.
8. Doing Honest In Deuteronomy And Exams
Avoid cheating when you're working on test or exam questions. Cheating can make our properties cheat and a liar. Lie nevertheless can not be covered up constantly and tends to do next lies to cover lies next. Suppose that the cheat would be caught by the teacher and have a future as criminals when we fraud.

Effective learning, rather than make you dizzy, but how learning objectives can be achieved with ease and fun.

The motivation stems from the word motive which can be interpreted as the driving force that is within a person to perform certain activities for the achievement of a goal. Even the motive can be interpreted as an internal conditions (preparedness). Now according to Mc. Donald, the motivation is the energy change in a person who is marked by the emergence of "feeling" and preceded by a response to any destination. From the notion expressed by McDonald. This Donald contain three elements / features of the principal motivation, the motivation that begin with the change of energy, marked by a feeling, and stimulated because of the goal.

Yet in essence that motivation is a psychological state that drives someone to do something. In learning, motivation can be considered as the overall driving force in students' self generating, ensure continuity and provide direction and learning activities, so that expected objectives will be achieved. In learning, motivation is necessary, because someone who does not have the motivation to learn, will not be possible to do learning activities.

Motivation There are two, namely Intrinsic motivation and motivation extrinsic.
• Intrinsic Motivation. This type of motivation comes from deep within the individual's own without any coercion encouragement of others, but on the basis of their own accord.
• Extrinsic Motivation. This type of motivation arising from the influence of outside individuals, whether because of the invitation, messengers, or coercion of another person with such a situation so that the students want to do something or learn.

For students who always pays attention given the subject matter, not a problem for teachers. Because the inside of the existing student motivation, namely intrinsic motivation. Such students are usually self-consciously concerned with teacher explanation. More curiosity in subject matter provided. Various disturbances are nearby, less able to influence it in order to solve her attention.

Other well as for students who do not have the motivation within themselves, then the extrinsic motivation is encouragement from outside itself absolutely necessary. Here the teachers 'task is to arouse students' motivation so that he was willing to do learning.
There are several strategies that can be used by teachers to foster students' motivation, as the following:

1. Explain the learning objectives to the learners.
At the beginning of the teaching and learning of a teacher should first explain the instructional objectives to be achieved to students. Increasingly clear goals then greater the motivation in learning.

2. Gift
Give prizes to students who excel. This would boost their morale to be able to learn even harder. In addition, student achievement will not be motivated to pursue high-achieving students.

3. Rival / competition
Teachers tried to hold the competition among students to improve academic achievement, trying to fix the results of previous achievements.

4. Compliment
Rightly students who excel to be rewarded or praised. Of course, compliments are constructive.

5. Punishment
The punishment given to students who make mistakes while learning and teaching process. This punishment is given with the expectation that the student is willing to change yourself and try to stimulate learning motivation.

6. Generating encouragement to students to study
His strategy is to give maximum attention to the learners.

7. Establish good study habits
8. Helping students learning difficulties on an individual and group
9. Using various methods, and
10. Using good media and in accordance with learning goals

Being a good teacher of God's Word

In communications, a job is a pre hearing the response to the speaker. But apparently being a good listener is a difficult job. The reason comes from ourselves, and also from outside our own. From outside such as the voice we hear is too small or there are other voices to disturb. While the cause of ourselves such as lack of concentration or because our hearing is less good.
After listening, we were obliged to speak again. This is the response in a very real sense. In it we express opinions, ideas, hopes, intentions, our goals, etc..

In connection with the Word of God in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, the Lord who is talking, and Moses is his voice. Now, this sounds we have heard and noticed. Through Moses, God ordered us to listen to His Word as well as to be able to deliver and preach it to others or to anyone else.

But because work is something that is hard to hear (as said earlier), the voice and command of God that we need more attention. We should investigate it and maintain it in our hearts good. Repeating what he said and made sure not to miss an iota. Ultimately, we must study the word of God every moment and every day.

This is the condition that we can be teaching the word of God is good, namely God who has become a good listener.

Maybe something about the way the word of God teaches best. But it did not matter. The most practical and easiest is to teach by example and testimony. Person of the teacher (we) need to be a living example of how God has a role in the lives of teachers. The Word of God is not so abstract, so we must teach it theoretically. He starts from the action and not discourse. That is why to teach it must be preceded by our actions as well.

This means a teacher says the word of God should make it part of his life. This is the main preparation that must be possessed by every teacher, whoever we are, whether as parents, as teachers, as servants of God, doctors, lawyers, police, or whatever his profession.

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