Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Attacks on Bilingual Education

Attacks on Bilingual Education

By Ferdian

Topics: Bilingual Education

Attacks on Bilingual Education

Even though bilingual education has provided a positive and supportive environment for the academic and social growth of many language-minority students, politically motivated opposition to bilingual education has prevailed in most states. Conservative forces mobilized throughout the nation in the 1980s and 1990s to attack taxes, schools, and bilingual education. Since the 1990s, these same groups have frequently attacked multicultural education as divisive to national unity. Some English speakers are offended that immigrant children are taught in their native tongue for part of the day. Political leaders argue that bilingualism handicaps children.

For example, Porter (1998) argues, “Bilingual education is a classic example of an experiment that was begun with the best of humanitarian intentions, but has turned out to be terribly wrongheaded.... The accumulated research of the past thirty years reveals almost no justification for teaching children in their native languages to help them learn either English or other subjects (pp. 28–29).

As in the debates on affirmative action, conservatives have created the deception that minorities are gaining an advantage, that bilingual education is discrimination against European Americans (Guinier, 2002; Krashen, 2002b). The attacks on bilingualism continue, with voters in several states voting for anti–bilingual education measures.

After a volatile political campaign, California’s electorate (then 69 percent European) responded to crises in the state’s educational system by adopting Proposition 227, the so-called English for the Children initiative, drafted by English only advocate Ron Unz. Latinos made up 29.4 percent of the state’s population and more than 36 percent of its school-age children but only 12 percent of its voters.

The resulting new law dramatically altered the way in which English is taught in California schools. Proposition 227 effectively abolished bilingual educations for immigrant children (whose parents are often not citizens and cannot vote) by making the use of other languages for instruction illegal except under special circumstances. It mandated intensive 10-month “sheltered English immersion” programs as the instructional strategy, except in very limited circumstances where a waiver of the bilingual education ban might be granted. As a result, in 2000 less than 10 percent of the English language learners in California were receiving bilingual education (Gandara et al., 2004). Since 1998, similar initiatives have passed in Arizona and Massachusetts but have been defeated in Colorado.

The public debate on bilingual education often deals with a false dichotomy, that of choosing either English or the home language. All immigrant parents want their children to learn English. Both languages are valuable. Bilingual advocates argue that the nation gains from the language resources of its immigrant communities, while anti bilingual advocates stress the need for national cohesion through one language.

Attacks on Bilingual Education (continued)

By Ferdian

Topics: Bilingual Education

Attacks on Bilingual Education

In January 2002, Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, also known as the Bilingual Education Act, was allowed to expire. It was eliminated as a part larger “school reform” effort President Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act (Public Law 107–110) that abolishes most efforts at bilingual education and substitutes increased funding for English language acquisition efforts. The 34-year federal effort to investigate and experiment with bilingual education at the federal level has ended. Anti–bilingual education forces have won. Even the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs has been renamed the Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students. English learning has always been the primary function of this office, but now even the limited efforts to learn in a home language are discouraged and not funded (Crawford, 2002).

As anti-immigrant activism continues to grow, including attempting to influence the 2008 presidential campaign, anti bilingual efforts have also increased, with California and Arizona, among other states, preventing even limited use of native language materials to assist children while they are learning English.

The several court decisions requiring special services for language-minority students so they can learn English and gain access to the core curriculum (Lau, Castaneda, and Keyes) remain in effect. In spite of the conservative political mobilization against bilingualism, the rapidly growing language-minority populations require schools to respond to the language needs of their children.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Every day we are not aware of the importance of play, because we are playing by inadvertently creating a new discoveries. for example, make houses of sand, accidentally we learn to design a form of house and whatever the results we create is a picture of the process we learn to make and planning design involuntarily. from there we know that playing a useful little can cause a new invention like these. so we should never prohibit a family member or anyone to play the game when it brings advantages. so, hopefully useful, and become motivated you in any conduct or performance of any activity. good luck!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Equivalent efficacy Black Tea Green Tea

During this green tea is believed to reduce coronary attack, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and cancers of the liver into a frightening disease for everyone. So many manufacturers vying tea out of green tea beverage product packaging that is more practical. But justified only nutritious green tea like that?

Professor of Food and Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan MS and heart health expert Dr. Mohammad Taufik SPJ in a discussion about tea, in Bogor, recently argued, black tea (black tea) is also efficacious as green tea because the free radical content contained therein.

"It is true that black tea has benefits such as lowering the risk of cancer, prevents coronary heart disease, preventing aging, and also can lower cholesterol in the blood," said Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan.

Prof. Ali explained, from a variety of reference, note that black tea has been pretty much consumed our society compounds containing components that are good for the body. Theaflavins main antioxidant and is high enough. Compounds that have the effect to reduce the risks of diseases such as preventing cancer and coronary heart disease. "Black tea or black tea is made from fresh tea leaf is allowed to wither before reeling, then heated and dried. Black tea is fermented tea also" recalled Ali Khomsan.

One of his heart health experts from Bogor Rain City, Dr. Mohammad Taufik H SPJ supports the opinion of Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan mentioning black tea beneficial for reducing coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.

Unfortunately, according to Taufik, the benefits contained in black tea has not been widely known by the public. This is due to the lack of socialization as well as publications from various studies about the health benefits of black tea.

Some time ago, National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Cardiac Hospital, Jakarta (RSJHK) also presented results of his research in a talk show with the theme "Effects of Black Tea in Preventing and Overcoming Risk of Coronary Heart Disease" at the auditorium RSJHK Jakarta. According to the results, in black tea Catechin, a substance that was mentioned as an actor that is able to fight degenerative diseases are compounds theaflavins.

Theaflavins compound is an antioxidant, an anti-cancer, anti-mutagenic, anti-diabetic and other diseases. Theaflavins in black tea compounds is quite significant.

Put simply, antioxidants expressed as a compound capable of inhibiting or preventing the occurrence of oxidation. Based on the source, anti-oxidants can be divided into natural and synthetic antioxidants.

Theaflavins is a potential natural antioxidant. His ability as a catcher of free radicals could no longer deny their validity. Theaflavins as antioxidant ability was not quite up there.

Antioxidant activity in inhibiting oxidation of low density lippoprotein (LDL) in fact showed an amazing thing. In steeping black tea, theaflavins give a yellowish red color.

Meanwhile theanapthoquinone thearubigin and each gives color dark brownish red and yellow. To this taste, together with caffeine, theaflavins are present in black tea gives a fresh taste

Research in the Netherlands concluded that drinking black tea may prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, especially in women. Black tea drinking one to two cups can reduce accumulation of cholesterol by 46 percent and if drinking four cups can reach 69 percent.

This is supported by the results of research in the United States which showed a heart attack decreases 40 percent in people who used to drink black tea.

Black tea also showed a convincing ability as a source of natural food for diabetics, especially in its capacity to increase insulin activity.

Research by the Department of Agriculture United States that has been published in the Journal Agric Food Chem 2002, shows the ability of black tea increased insulin activity more than green tea and Oolong tea.

According to Mohammad Taufik, usually, health experts will publish results, after several times doing research. When the results of his research showed similar results, new research is published. But when the new one-time research, the results are not to be published.

"If research is so new we do not maybe we publish. Usually the published research is research that has repeatedly," said the doctor sepesialis this heart.

More Superior

Based on the processing process, tea is classified into three types: black tea (fermented or oksimatis, short for oxidation ensimatis), Oolong tea and green tea. The logical consequence of differences in the process, giving birth to different tea products both physically and chemically.

Chemically, the most striking difference is the difference of content composition polyfenol compounds. In the processing of black tea and Oolong tea, catechins partially transformed into theaflavins, thearubigin, and theanaphtoquinone.

Although not as popular as their ancestors (catechin), theaflavins have been studied by several researchers. A number of studies stating that the theaflavins is more potent than catechin, given the structure of theaflavins is more potent than catechin.

This can be seen from how much hydroxyl group (OH) has. This hydroxyl group can function as an anti-free radicals or antioxidants. The more hydroxyl group of a compound, hence its ability as an antioxidant compound, the better.

There was only tea theaflavins in black tea that has undergone or oksimatis. Theaflavins is the result of oxidation of catechins oksimatis due process in the manufacture of black tea. Catechin theaflavins strength equivalent to even a few recent publications stating that the theaflavins is more potent than catechin.

Indonesia itself is currently listed as the fifth-largest tea producer in the world. But Indonesian black tea based on research, contains theaflavins that is higher than Japan or China. Thus, if we drink black tea native to Indonesia, the tendency to prevent coronary heart disease, such as the above mentioned higher. Unfortunately this has not been widely known by the Indonesian people themselves.

Natural Green Tea Fat Destroyer
"Drinking orange juice just let the fat destruction," you might often hear the suggestion to reduce the sense of guilt after eating good food, but full of fat. In fact, the natural fat shredder is best for green tea. According drPhaidon Toruan, in his book Fat-Loss Not Weight-Loss, there are two advantages to consume green tea as a fat burner that is optimal and is rich in antioxidants. Green tea will help increase fat burning in the sense of helping improve the metabolism of triglyceride (eg, thick fat under the skin) to be converted into fatty acid. "But remember, the fat beneath the skin can only be burned when the form is converted into fatty acids. Combustion process is a sport, "said Phaidon. In order to function as a fat burner green tea is more optimal, Phaidon suggested that drinking green tea before exercise. The capacity of green tea are powerful antioxidants that can provide protective effects against cell wall muscles. Moreover, continued Phaidon, if taken before eating a meal, green tea will help keep fat intake. For those of you who want to practice now widely available green tea extract that has been processed in a modern way in capsule form so you can take them anywhere and make you prepare yourself if you want to exercise and use of green tea extract.

Does Green Tea Tea is Better Than Regular?

Many of us try to maintain the health of the various efforts. There are always eating healthy foods, there are sufficient rest, and some are exercising regularly. Do everything with it really will make our mind and body healthy. There is also believed that drinking tea is good for health. Unfortunately many did not know about the benefits of drinking this tea. Seeing the many tea products are sold in the market, making us a hard time determining where the tea is good for health. Does green tea such as ad words or any other tea?

This question has actually been developing since long and till today many who believe that green tea has a content of more 'healthy' than other types of tea. Though green tea is not so popular because it is not as good as regular tea. Then why green tea so special?

Lots of green tea grown in Asia. This tea contains chemicals that act as natural antioxidants. These substances will make the body in balance by destroying free radicals that damage cells. However, it recently also found a substance similar to regular tea. This certainly is good news for those who mengembirakan not much like green tea.

ss, there is one advantage of green tea compared to other teas is the processing. Green tea mixed with steamed to maintain the substance in it. While the usual tea, dried manner so that processing will be wet substance in it.

Further research about the benefits of both types of tea still needs further study. For now, let us enjoy a cup of tea to our health.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Learning Music For Absolute Beginners

Learning music as a beginner can be frustrating if you do not know where to start. There is no right or wrong way for a beginner to learn, but there are simple steps that can help anyone make learning music fun.

First of all, you'll need an instrument. If you have access to a piano, you have got a head start. The piano is the easiest instrument to begin learning, yet is also the most versatile. Its notes are set neatly in a row with nothing hidden. Because of this simple layout, the piano can be used to learn the basic principles of music.

The piano has two sets of keys: the white keys and the black keys. Each key plays a different note. Starting on the note C and playing the next six white keys to the right will form the C major scale. Of course, finding the note for a beginner is half the challenge.

To find a C, look at the black keys. There are two groupings of black keys: two keys and three keys. Look for a group of two black keys. The white key just to the left of this group is C.

Now that you've found C, you will be able to play the C major scale. Just start at any C and move to the right, playing each white key in sequence until you have reached the next C on the keyboard. You have now played the C major scale, one of the building blocks of learning music. The notes are as follows: C D E F G A B.

Many popular songs can be played with this scale. You can play the melody of Old MacDonald using these keys. You can also play Let It Be by the Beatles, using only the C major scale. Both the melody and chords of the song can be played using the white keys.

Of course, no one wants to stop learning there. Learning some basic chords will be the next step. A basic C chord is played by placing the thumb on a C, the middle finger on an E, and the pinky on the G. Play these keys at the same time and you have played the C chord.

There are many more scales and chords to learn, but any beginner can start with C and create some nice results. Learning music needs to be fun, as theory and technical exercises can make it seem more like work. The great thing about learning how to play chords and melodies in C is that pretty much any white key melody will work over any white key chord progression. For someone learning to play the piano, this is encouraging.

Learning music can be easy and enjoyable when a beginner starts off on the right key. By following the easy steps outlined here, anyone can make beautiful music from day one. The greatest musical minds in the world all started off at the beginning and so can you.

Learning Music as an Adult

While we have all heard stories of child prodigies and the importance of learning music as a child, an adult can still learn to play an instrument quite well. Even with no prior experience, the right training can help an adult learn to play music just as well as a child. The main thing is to find the right way to learn, whether it's through a tutor or self-study.

Adult learners come with their own baggage, often from childhood lessons. Adult piano students may have had bad experiences with music lessons as a child. These can range from scary instructors to endless exercises or abusive teacher-student relationships. Sometimes a teacher may have punished the student for not being skilled enough, while other times a teacher may have pushed a promising student too hard. This is one of the hurdles that come with learning music as an adult.

Accepting the teacher as an authority figure is another difficulty that comes with learning music as an adult. An adult has learned to be independent. An adult wants to take part in the development of curriculum and wants to be able to self-evaluate. It may be difficult for an adult to simply listen and take instruction from a music instructor. So the best avenue for learning music as an adult may be to self-tutor or to find an instructor who teaches by long distance via the internet. There are many wonderful piano courses available nowdays on the web: just type in something like "play piano" on any search engine, and you'll find several.

Though the process of learning music as an adult is different from a child's, it's not necessarily harder. For a child, making music is magical, while an adult sees the work involved to get to the music making stage. It's mainly a mental hurdle that must be overcome. Also, learning music as a child is part of the natural development process, while learning music as an adult is usually part of a larger goal. For example, an adult learns how to play an instrument to join the church worship team.

Learning music as an adult can also be difficult because of ingrained personality traits. Even the most outwardly confident adults get insecure when someone points out their flaws. So it goes with learning music. If a tutor is used, an adult can get embarrassed when the tutor corrects a mistaken note or technique. Some adults may have difficulty breathing and concentrating when they're highly nervous. All of these can lead to a difficult learning environment.

Adults also demand comfort. This is why adults often learn an instrument in their own home. Children are less demanding about the hardness of a piano bench, for example. Adults may have back problems or other conditions that require a high comfort level.

So the basic ingredients for learning music as an adult are adaptable tutoring, reason for learning, confidence and comfort. By taking these key points and seeking the best method of learning for yourself, you can become an adult musical genius -- well, maybe not a genius -- maybe just a person who has more fun. Or maybe you'll be the guy or gal at parties who knows how to play the latest song everyone is talking about. With the right teaching, grown ups can enjoy playing music wherever they go.

The Benefits Of Learning Music Theory

That's music to my ear is a common phrase used to express a person's emotional response to how a particular tune can make them feel. Some people listen to music all the time. Some study the art of playing an instrument. It's therapeutic; it's enriching; it's a way of creating moods in any environmental setting. If you are interested in music for more than the pure enjoyment people get out of listening to it, then learning about music theory is an ideal mode for you.

Music theory can be an important attribute in a person's life, for many reasons. People often ask, "Is music theory necessary?" "Why do we need it?"

First of all, even though you don't have to understand how to read sheet music to perform as a musician, you will need an understanding of music theory. It opens so many other doors for you in the world of music. Music theory will not show you how to understand music, but with music theory you will be able to communicate musical ideas, explore music in whole new ways, and redefine the tremendous scope that entails the magical world of music.

Music theory allows you to voice your opinion with others in the field, expand your musical horizon. Give a little input to a fellow musician and you'll get something in return.

Notations And Communicating With Other Musicians

Music lovers all develop a keen sense of awareness, musically speaking. Sometimes, musicians explain that if they study music theory, then it'll stunt their creativity. Wrong! The world's greatest composers were all masters of music theory: Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, J.S. Bach. These experts composed a keen understanding of the theoretical concepts. Years were spent studying the concept, down to some of the smallest details.

Music can be played by ear, picking out tunes without the aid of written music. Your ears can be your guide. The reason this is brought to light is that some musicians with strong theoretical training often disregard the art of playing by ear.

Think of playing music by ear this way: We're all born as non-verbal creations. Communication begins with crying, making sounds, displaying body language. Parents quickly become experts on baby talk. It's an innate sense. Over time, language develops by mimicking sounds. Toddlers don't learn nouns and verbs; they learn to speak by example. Music can be the same way. Hence, the reason so many people pay top dollar for live performances. It's invigorating, magical.

Understanding Harmony And Chord Progression

Chord progression and harmony, two features of music theory, help broaden any musician, regardless of their genre of study. Chord progression is a series of chords that are used to harmonize music. All compositions use chord progression. Those that improvise - which, as already mentioned, adds charm and magic to the environment of music - invent brand new melodies that blend in with an existing chord. It's a musical transition, something that must be practiced, repeatedly. The great composers and musicians develop chord progressions and transitions until it becomes natural, a second-natured maneuver.

If a musician improvises in a more interconnected manner, these new melodies show the musician the progression as one whole unit, and not a series of bumpy transitions. The more practice that goes into this aspect of music learning theory, the more interesting substitutions they will develop along the way. Once the concept of chord progression and its structure is understood, it will be easier to remember. Jazz musicians, therefore, show a keen interest in the study and analysis of chord progression.

The study of music theory will show musicians and musical scholars that the objective, initially, is not to consider an entire composition in one sitting. Instead, musicians, students and teachers alike, view a chord progression in segments, or units. These units correspond to musical sections known as stanzas.

A stanza is the complete statement and development of a single musical idea. It's a fairly simple act of dividing pieces into small manageable sections, with the melody itself forming, or suggesting the boundaries for sound.

Tonality, another element of chord progression, means different things to different people. Some would consider it to be this: any piece of music with a well-defined key center. Others envision any music that uses the conventional chords as tonal.

Music without the use of chords in a functional manner to reinforce a tonal center is not tonal. It is referred to as non-tonal music. The names of these styles are not always agreed upon between musical connoisseurs. But expressing difference is one key element that makes music such a beautiful art form, with countless possibilities.

So, if you are considering studying music, be it to play an instrument, teach music, or simply hone in on personal curiosity, learning music theory is a must for you.

How to Learn Guitar
Every newbie guitar player faces the following question: "What's the absolute best way for me to learn guitar?" Should you should learn it yourself or hire a professional? Which guitar courses are recommended most often? What about those Internet based guitar training sites?

These are all valid questions because how you learn to play the guitar is just as important as what you learn to play. Teaching yourself how to play might work just fine if you've got a good ear and some previous exposure to music theory or proficiency on another instrument.

3. Am I looking to learn a specific style of guitar such as Classical, Blues or Jazz? If guitar is just a hobby for you, then you'll likely do well with just about any method of instruction.
Learn Guitar in No Time!
Many beginning guitar approach me and ask for advice how to play guitar 'fast'. I inevitably ask
They’re "newbie’s" who want a fast track to basic proficiency.

Them whether they already play guitar, and just want to be faster on the freeboard, or whether
If you're a beginner, then memorizing your freeboard is the place to start. This will make it easier

Your senses of touch, sight and sound are all involved in playing guitar. As you play, you will no doubt feel the development of 'muscle memory' as your fingers play across familiar chords and
If you want the ability to play anything you hear 'in your head' the moment your fingers reach the free board, then you must wed memorization with observation when you practice.

! Strength training, which really includes 'dexterity' training, is part and parcel of everything we've covered so far.

Beginning guitarists often struggle to hold down chords, and to play scales with all four fingers.

Newbie’s should focus on strength building exercises and on performing those exercises
Consistently and perfectly.
Have you stopped working on your strength training because the exercises
Are boring?
In conclusion, the key to learning guitar faster - as well as playing it faster - rests in following the
M.O.S.T. formula.

Organs of Guitar

Learn Guitar Today, No Excuses!

Most people think learning guitar is difficult. Well not true, learning guitar is always easier than most people think. Learning guitar is often like yoga for the fingers, as they learn to stretch and even grow a little differently. The key to learning guitar is practice. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of first learning guitar is that it is seemingly impossible to play anything that actually sounds good and most people get frustrated and leave it at that. Once you get that first "good" tune from the playing the guitar it acts as a trigger for more enthusiasm and encouragement that you are seeing success from your endeavors. When you have that first guitar success it is a great feeling to have. One thing to remember is that learning guitar is a passion for each and every one of us and is something that takes a long time to master.

A guitar is primarily a rhythm instrument, meaning you can make good music with just a handful of chords and a couple of scales. Above all, the most important thing is to make sure that playing the instrument is something you actually enjoy, or no matter how much you put into it, you won't ever get anywhere. It is undeniably the most popular instrument in our country at this time. For only a small amount more you can get a quality instrument.

Learning Guitar: Getting Started

I have found that learning to play guitar is like many other activities it takes practice and perseverance. A person can get along fine these days by learning a few chords and knowing how to read tab, right. That should be the first guitar goal and that alone will unlock many doors to guitar progression. The best and easiest path to becoming a competent guitar player is by learning some chords and then applying them to learning the rhythm parts of songs that you hear and enjoy. Guitar players often spend hours learning new chords and practicing them over and over again. Almost anyone can learn to play the guitar if they put their heart into learning, in addition to putting in a substantial amount of effort and passion. Although many prefer to take lessons, which can be very expensive, learning to playing guitar by purchasing guitar courses online is also a very realistic option.

There is the form method to learn guitar. Pleas follow from begin…..
Guitar Lessons for Beginners
Lesson #1: Fret board Facts

did you know that your fret board is 'doubled' at the 12th fret position? What I mean by 'doubled' is that all of the open-string notes repeat in the same order (as octaves) at the 12th fret.

If you just strum your guitar without fretting (holding down) any notes, you have the following pattern in 'standard' tuning: E-A-D-G-B-E. Then, if you were to place your index finger across all six strings at the 12th fret, you get: E-A-D-G-B-E again!

Why is this useful?

It's useful because it means that the entire chord shapes and scale patterns you learn under the 12th fret are repeated in the same relative positions. So, once you've learned how things work from the open position and 1st fret onwards, you've automatically got everything at the 12th fret and beyond mastered, too!

Did you know that your fret board is 'doubled' at the 12th fret position?
Lesson #2: Two-Note 'Drones'

here’s an experiment for you to try: Play an open 'D' note simultaneously with a fretted 'A' note on your third string. Sounds pretty cool, right? Lesson #3: Easy 'Thirds' in G-Major

The Beatles' song, 'Blackbird', popularized this sound. Start with G on the sixth string and B on the second string, open position. Move to A on the fifth string, open position, with C played on the second string, first fret. Finally, play B on the fifth string, second fret, with D on the second string, third fret.

The first number in the 'fraction' represents which string to play on, while the second number represents which fret on that string to hold down.

Hint: You may need to tune down a half-step to get in key with the album version of the song.
Lesson #3: Easy 'Thirds' in G-Major

The Beatles' song, 'Blackbird', popularized this sound. The progression of intervals of 'thirds' creates a very cool sounding harmony that feels both 'major' and 'minor' at the same time.

In case you aren't familiar with the concept of intervals, the basic definition of an interval is that it is the difference in pitch between two notes. What you do is count up from the root note of the major scale to find the interval number.

In the key of G-major, for example, the distance from G to C is an interval of a fourth because C is the fourth note in the scale.

In this example, however, what we are actually doing is taking the thirds in relation to the chords being played. Let us go from G major to a minor to B minor. The intervals of thirds for each of these chords are: G/B, A/C and B/D, respectively.

Now, trying plucking these intervals with your thumb and index finger. Start with G on the sixth string and B on the second string, open position. Move to A on the fifth string, open position, with C played on the second string, first fret. Finally, play B on the fifth string, second fret, with D on the second string, third fret.

In 'pseudo-tab', the notation would look like this: (6/3 - 2/0) - (5/0 - 2/1) - (5/2 - 2/3). The first number in the 'fraction' represents which string to play on, while the second number represents which fret on that string to hold down.

The parenthesis indicates that you should play both strings simultaneously, rather than one after the other.

So, (6/3 - 2/0) means play the note on the 3rd fret of the sixth string at the same time as you play the second string (0= open position).

That's all there is for this round of beginner's guitar lessons. I hope you enjoyed them and try experimenting with them to come up with new sounds of your own!
To Learn Guitar, You Must Love To Practice
There are few people in the world that can pick up a skill immediately and become a master without taking the time to practice. There are few people in the world that can pick up a skill immediately and become a master without taking the time to practice. We generally consider these people to be geniuses or prodigies. For the rest of us, mastering a new skill takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. It also takes a lot of dedication because sometimes the time lag between starting and becoming proficient can seem entirely too long.

When it comes to learning how to play a musical instrument, practice is unbelievably vital. There is very little chance that the first time you pick up a cello or sit at a piano that you will be able to make a sound that even resembles music. But with a little time and effort, and the right instruction, you soon find that your practicing has paid off. This is true whether you play a classical instrument or want to learn guitar.

There is an old adage in the music community that you play the way that you practice. Essentially, this truism means that if you are lazy and sloppy when you practice then you will look lazy and sloppy when you perform. Regardless of what instrument you are trying to master, you need to practice effectively and actively. That is why practicing while you try to learn guitar is vital to your progress.

Of course there is much more to successful practicing than just sitting with your instrument and playing. In order to practice effectively you must sit down with a plan and have a structure to your session. Practicing should be goal oriented and lesson specific. Without a solid practice structure you will not be able to efficiently make progress. In fact, the benefits of practicing have nothing to do with the quantity of time and everything to do with the quality of planning.

Another key component to effective practicing is having the desire to play. If you are dreading your practice time, then it would be a good idea to re-evaluate your strategy. You will likely find that the program from which you are learning is not capturing your attention well enough, or that your practice strategy is lacking the excitement you need. Instead of allowing your motivation to lag, you should reevaluate and try to learn guitar through a new and more dynamic program.

If you are looking for more information on how to practice smarter rather than harder then check out the book The Art of Practicing. This instructional manual provides in-depth information and a step by step guide to the ultimate practice strategy. There is simply no better way to learn guitar. This learning system, as well as a selection of great essential tools, are available at

You can try learn guitar use guitar chords to learn fast
Learning guitar chords is like learning how to speak a language. Learning guitar chords is largely a question of teaching the left hand to memorize different shapes.

I personally love playing guitar. Friends often ask me how to play guitar or what guitar instruction to use, sometimes they even ask me how hard should it be to learn how to play guitar music. The chord sounds are very different between the electric guitar and the acoustic guitar so bear that in mind when you are learning songs, match the guitar to the song style. Easy guitar songs start right with simple stepping and rhythm. When learning guitar chords, you must bear in mind that the guitar chord is considered as the most common and simplest way of playing the guitar. One thing you must consider when you are playing guitar or learning new chords is you apply yourself.

Good luck!!!

Tips And Tricks How To Learn The Good For Testing / Deuteronomy School For elementary students, junior high school students and also

Learning is something that must be done by students and college students. Learning is generally done at the school when the hour lessons are led by Mr. or Mrs. Teacher. Good learning is also done at home both with and without a pr / homework. Learning is done in a hurry due to being chased time to have an impact that is not good.

Here are tips and tricks that can be a valuable input in preparing themselves to face test or exam:

1. Learning Group
Learning groups can be more fun learning activities for the company of friends and being at home alone so it can be more relaxed. But you should still be accompanied by an adult such as a brother, uncle, aunt or parents to learn to not turn into play. Group study is a good idea to invite friends who are good and study hard so that is not smart so smart catch. In the study group discussed the lessons that its activity is not well understood by all or part of a study group that has been described both the teacher and the teacher has not been clarified.

2. Hard Lessons to Make Keynote Notes
Important parts of the lesson should be made to the notes on paper or a booklet that can be taken anywhere, so it can be read no matter where we are. However, such records should not be cheated because the media can be detrimental to our own.

3. Making Good Planning
to reach a goal is usually accompanied by a good plan. Therefore be worthwhile to make a study plan and the plan attainment of value to know whether the learning activities that we do have a maximum or needs improvement. Customize your target with the ability we have. Do not target the number one if we are still outside the top 10 in class. Create a learning plan that prioritized on the subjects of the weak. Make a schedule of good learning.

4. Discipline in Learning
If we have made a schedule to learn it must be conducted properly. For example, such learning is not timely and serious while playing games with full concentration. When the time eating, bathing, worship, and so has arrived then do not delay. Continue learning after doing these activities if the time to learn has not been completed. Play with friends or the game could damage the concentrations studied. Should play activities are also scheduled with a sufficiently long time but not tire if done before the time of learning. If playing video games should choose games that educate and do not generate a high curiosity or a sense of resentment that high if it loses.

5. Being on Ask and Asked
If there is anything that has not been clear, and then asks your teacher, friend or parent. If we are asked we will usually remember the answers. If you ask, ask and do not adequately test the character of the people we asked. Offer a friend to ask us things that he had not understood. The more we can be increasingly asked to remember the answer and if we also do not know the correct answer, then we can discuss it with friends. Moreover

6. Learning With Serious and persistent
When learning in the classroom listening and note what the teacher explained. Record important because it could be nothing in the book and will be out when the test or exam. When spare time reading the notes that have been made earlier and memorize while understandable. If we are comfortable with a lesson, then test yourself with the questions. After about do check the answers with the answer key. Learn again the wrong questions answered.

7. Learning to Avoid Excessive
if a test or a test was imminent normally we would panic if it's not ready. Shortcuts are often done by students who are not ready is to study late into the evening / late night or make a cheat sheet. When will the exam should still sleep on time because if you stay up all night would bring bad effects to health, especially for children.

8. Doing Honest In Deuteronomy And Exams
Avoid cheating when you're working on test or exam questions. Cheating can make our properties cheat and a liar. Lie nevertheless cannot be covered up constantly and tends to do next lies to cover lies next. Suppose that the cheat would be caught by the teacher and have a future as criminals when we fraud.

Good tips to learn the correct way it can provide benefits to us all, amen.