Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Attacks on Bilingual Education

Attacks on Bilingual Education

By Ferdian

Topics: Bilingual Education

Attacks on Bilingual Education

Even though bilingual education has provided a positive and supportive environment for the academic and social growth of many language-minority students, politically motivated opposition to bilingual education has prevailed in most states. Conservative forces mobilized throughout the nation in the 1980s and 1990s to attack taxes, schools, and bilingual education. Since the 1990s, these same groups have frequently attacked multicultural education as divisive to national unity. Some English speakers are offended that immigrant children are taught in their native tongue for part of the day. Political leaders argue that bilingualism handicaps children.

For example, Porter (1998) argues, “Bilingual education is a classic example of an experiment that was begun with the best of humanitarian intentions, but has turned out to be terribly wrongheaded.... The accumulated research of the past thirty years reveals almost no justification for teaching children in their native languages to help them learn either English or other subjects (pp. 28–29).

As in the debates on affirmative action, conservatives have created the deception that minorities are gaining an advantage, that bilingual education is discrimination against European Americans (Guinier, 2002; Krashen, 2002b). The attacks on bilingualism continue, with voters in several states voting for anti–bilingual education measures.

After a volatile political campaign, California’s electorate (then 69 percent European) responded to crises in the state’s educational system by adopting Proposition 227, the so-called English for the Children initiative, drafted by English only advocate Ron Unz. Latinos made up 29.4 percent of the state’s population and more than 36 percent of its school-age children but only 12 percent of its voters.

The resulting new law dramatically altered the way in which English is taught in California schools. Proposition 227 effectively abolished bilingual educations for immigrant children (whose parents are often not citizens and cannot vote) by making the use of other languages for instruction illegal except under special circumstances. It mandated intensive 10-month “sheltered English immersion” programs as the instructional strategy, except in very limited circumstances where a waiver of the bilingual education ban might be granted. As a result, in 2000 less than 10 percent of the English language learners in California were receiving bilingual education (Gandara et al., 2004). Since 1998, similar initiatives have passed in Arizona and Massachusetts but have been defeated in Colorado.

The public debate on bilingual education often deals with a false dichotomy, that of choosing either English or the home language. All immigrant parents want their children to learn English. Both languages are valuable. Bilingual advocates argue that the nation gains from the language resources of its immigrant communities, while anti bilingual advocates stress the need for national cohesion through one language.

Attacks on Bilingual Education (continued)

By Ferdian

Topics: Bilingual Education

Attacks on Bilingual Education

In January 2002, Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, also known as the Bilingual Education Act, was allowed to expire. It was eliminated as a part larger “school reform” effort President Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act (Public Law 107–110) that abolishes most efforts at bilingual education and substitutes increased funding for English language acquisition efforts. The 34-year federal effort to investigate and experiment with bilingual education at the federal level has ended. Anti–bilingual education forces have won. Even the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs has been renamed the Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students. English learning has always been the primary function of this office, but now even the limited efforts to learn in a home language are discouraged and not funded (Crawford, 2002).

As anti-immigrant activism continues to grow, including attempting to influence the 2008 presidential campaign, anti bilingual efforts have also increased, with California and Arizona, among other states, preventing even limited use of native language materials to assist children while they are learning English.

The several court decisions requiring special services for language-minority students so they can learn English and gain access to the core curriculum (Lau, Castaneda, and Keyes) remain in effect. In spite of the conservative political mobilization against bilingualism, the rapidly growing language-minority populations require schools to respond to the language needs of their children.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Every day we are not aware of the importance of play, because we are playing by inadvertently creating a new discoveries. for example, make houses of sand, accidentally we learn to design a form of house and whatever the results we create is a picture of the process we learn to make and planning design involuntarily. from there we know that playing a useful little can cause a new invention like these. so we should never prohibit a family member or anyone to play the game when it brings advantages. so, hopefully useful, and become motivated you in any conduct or performance of any activity. good luck!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Equivalent efficacy Black Tea Green Tea

During this green tea is believed to reduce coronary attack, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and cancers of the liver into a frightening disease for everyone. So many manufacturers vying tea out of green tea beverage product packaging that is more practical. But justified only nutritious green tea like that?

Professor of Food and Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan MS and heart health expert Dr. Mohammad Taufik SPJ in a discussion about tea, in Bogor, recently argued, black tea (black tea) is also efficacious as green tea because the free radical content contained therein.

"It is true that black tea has benefits such as lowering the risk of cancer, prevents coronary heart disease, preventing aging, and also can lower cholesterol in the blood," said Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan.

Prof. Ali explained, from a variety of reference, note that black tea has been pretty much consumed our society compounds containing components that are good for the body. Theaflavins main antioxidant and is high enough. Compounds that have the effect to reduce the risks of diseases such as preventing cancer and coronary heart disease. "Black tea or black tea is made from fresh tea leaf is allowed to wither before reeling, then heated and dried. Black tea is fermented tea also" recalled Ali Khomsan.

One of his heart health experts from Bogor Rain City, Dr. Mohammad Taufik H SPJ supports the opinion of Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan mentioning black tea beneficial for reducing coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.

Unfortunately, according to Taufik, the benefits contained in black tea has not been widely known by the public. This is due to the lack of socialization as well as publications from various studies about the health benefits of black tea.

Some time ago, National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Cardiac Hospital, Jakarta (RSJHK) also presented results of his research in a talk show with the theme "Effects of Black Tea in Preventing and Overcoming Risk of Coronary Heart Disease" at the auditorium RSJHK Jakarta. According to the results, in black tea Catechin, a substance that was mentioned as an actor that is able to fight degenerative diseases are compounds theaflavins.

Theaflavins compound is an antioxidant, an anti-cancer, anti-mutagenic, anti-diabetic and other diseases. Theaflavins in black tea compounds is quite significant.

Put simply, antioxidants expressed as a compound capable of inhibiting or preventing the occurrence of oxidation. Based on the source, anti-oxidants can be divided into natural and synthetic antioxidants.

Theaflavins is a potential natural antioxidant. His ability as a catcher of free radicals could no longer deny their validity. Theaflavins as antioxidant ability was not quite up there.

Antioxidant activity in inhibiting oxidation of low density lippoprotein (LDL) in fact showed an amazing thing. In steeping black tea, theaflavins give a yellowish red color.

Meanwhile theanapthoquinone thearubigin and each gives color dark brownish red and yellow. To this taste, together with caffeine, theaflavins are present in black tea gives a fresh taste

Research in the Netherlands concluded that drinking black tea may prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, especially in women. Black tea drinking one to two cups can reduce accumulation of cholesterol by 46 percent and if drinking four cups can reach 69 percent.

This is supported by the results of research in the United States which showed a heart attack decreases 40 percent in people who used to drink black tea.

Black tea also showed a convincing ability as a source of natural food for diabetics, especially in its capacity to increase insulin activity.

Research by the Department of Agriculture United States that has been published in the Journal Agric Food Chem 2002, shows the ability of black tea increased insulin activity more than green tea and Oolong tea.

According to Mohammad Taufik, usually, health experts will publish results, after several times doing research. When the results of his research showed similar results, new research is published. But when the new one-time research, the results are not to be published.

"If research is so new we do not maybe we publish. Usually the published research is research that has repeatedly," said the doctor sepesialis this heart.

More Superior

Based on the processing process, tea is classified into three types: black tea (fermented or oksimatis, short for oxidation ensimatis), Oolong tea and green tea. The logical consequence of differences in the process, giving birth to different tea products both physically and chemically.

Chemically, the most striking difference is the difference of content composition polyfenol compounds. In the processing of black tea and Oolong tea, catechins partially transformed into theaflavins, thearubigin, and theanaphtoquinone.

Although not as popular as their ancestors (catechin), theaflavins have been studied by several researchers. A number of studies stating that the theaflavins is more potent than catechin, given the structure of theaflavins is more potent than catechin.

This can be seen from how much hydroxyl group (OH) has. This hydroxyl group can function as an anti-free radicals or antioxidants. The more hydroxyl group of a compound, hence its ability as an antioxidant compound, the better.

There was only tea theaflavins in black tea that has undergone or oksimatis. Theaflavins is the result of oxidation of catechins oksimatis due process in the manufacture of black tea. Catechin theaflavins strength equivalent to even a few recent publications stating that the theaflavins is more potent than catechin.

Indonesia itself is currently listed as the fifth-largest tea producer in the world. But Indonesian black tea based on research, contains theaflavins that is higher than Japan or China. Thus, if we drink black tea native to Indonesia, the tendency to prevent coronary heart disease, such as the above mentioned higher. Unfortunately this has not been widely known by the Indonesian people themselves.